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and Hawaii : Testimonials (Aoraki)

The following program testimonial responses have been selected for publication by UGA StudyAway
Final Reflection Questions
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
This program provided me with a new passion for travel and seeing the world. I was also pushed outside of my comfort zone during many adventure activities, which gave me an appreciation for trying new things. I learned so much about myself and about the world during the courses that we take and how things work and how people live around the world that fascinates me.
— Claire Britt, Spring 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
It was unbelievable, challenging, breath taking, fun, impressive, different, and I loved every moment. I wish I could go back and do it over again every year.
— Kyle Drenner, Spring 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
This was an absolutely incredible experience. First, I am exponentially more aware of the amount that I consume on a daily basis. Moving forward I will be much more conscious of the actions I take and their impact on the environment as a whole. Secondly, something that Simon said one day has really stuck with me and its something that has reshaped how I approach sustainability. He explained that he doesn't have the power to change peoples actions, however, he does have the power to make sure that the choices they make are not in ignorance. That has motivated me to strive to create awareness in a way that will hopefully inspire people to act in a more environmentally conscious way on their own accord.
— Alexandra Lopiccolo, Spring 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
That environmental problems aren't just isolated to one country or place.... externalities are felt everywhere else in the world. There is so much we can be doing but so many things that we don't think about (like where our food is sourced from!)
— Karin Sowieja, Spring 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
I made amazing new friends and I had unbelievable experiences that I wouldn't change for the world.
— Kayla Tofil, Spring 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
The importance of ethical decision making when it comes to sustainable development and other developmental actions. Viewing other cultures as equal to your own, even if you don't completely understand them.
— Anna Carlson, Spring 2019
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
I took away a greater understanding for the significance of travel and the knowledge that it creates. I also became a more sustainable person, which I will take with me for the rest of my life.
— Emma Dryden, Spring 2019
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Life is all about choices; choose to recycle, choose kindness, choose happiness, choose things that will make you a better and smarter person and will leave the world a better place.
— Brittany Andrieni, Spring 2020
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
I know how to be more sustainable in my every day life, and I care so much more about doing so. I have a better understanding of how my small actions can still have a big impact around the world.
— Brittany Osborne, Spring 2020
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
I think that this program is without a doubt the best education abroad program that the University of Georgia has to offer. Having so many cool activities scheduled within the program gives you the opportunities that you would probably either not consider doing, or not be able to afford independently. You are also able to make so many new friends because you spend so much time together. If you are at all considering this program, you do not want to miss out.
— Claire Britt, Spring 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Do it! If you love the outdoors, new places, traveling, and you're adventurous I really doubt there is a better program than this one. Do it! And do the semester because you're going to want to stay forever.
— Kyle Drenner, Spring 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
It is physically challenging in terms of hiking ability. It is also challenging because you are always on the move and days are packed full of adventures, but you will see and do so much during the short two month trip. It is a good mix of types of traveling and accommodations, but you will have to step out of your comfort zone at some point during the trip. It is also a great program to learn about sustainability and the environment because the course load is small allowing for more hands on experience.
— Meghan Tait, Spring 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
DO IT! Even if you don't have any friends or if the classes don't pertain to your major at all (same with me), still go on the trip! You will meet awesome people and learn so much.
— Ariane Debenedictis, Spring 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
DO IT!! Even if you're nervous, have hesitations, and it is fear that is the only thing stopping you, then do it! You can learn so much about life and the world by stepping out of your comfort zone and opening your eyes to things that could change the way you live forever!
— Carley Kleban, Spring 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
GO GO GO! I honestly had no idea really what i was getting into with this program, but thats honestly the whole feel of the trip. You are going constantly and really don't know whats happening or what to expect ever, but that is the beauty of the trip; enjoy the ride and having no expectations will leave you thoroughly thrilled!
— Brittany Andrieni, Spring 2020
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Have an open mind, don't take a second for granted, and keep a positive attitude. It can seem like you've been away from home for a long time, but the minute you get home all you'll want to do is go back.
— Brittany Osborne, Spring 2020
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I have completely changed my career goals. I was initially going to go to med school to become a doctor. Now I have realized that I will be able to impact the health of the planet and the people on it far greater if I can help find a way to slow down the effects of climate change.
— Zachary Stuermer, Spring 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
It made me understand and see other countries, my own country, and the cultures within in a more unique way. It broadened my horizons and gave be a desire to learn more about other cultures, and also travel more.
— Carley Kleban, Spring 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
This experience was monumental in the shaping of my future goals. I knew I wanted to pursue sustainability, but this program has provided me with a whole new motivation and perspective. It opened my eyes educationally and experientially to so much information that I hope to apply at home and at school. I also hope to continue travelling and invest my travelling time into learning about each place I visit to a more in depth degree.
— Alexandra Lopiccolo, Spring 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I want to be more sustainable in my everyday life.
— Jessica Perciaccante, Spring 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
Honestly, this study abroad has made me so much more passionate about getting involved with sustainability movements! I have been inspired to use my gap year as a way to do research and possibly create my own environmental group. I also want to make small changes in my life and in the life of my friends and family to encourage them to be more conscious in their decisions!
— Karin Sowieja, Spring 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I realized that the traditional educational path (4 years of college and beginning a career directly after graduation) does not have to be my path. It is important to do what you feel passionate about and if it takes some exploring to figure that out, that is ok.
— Anna Carlson, Spring 2019
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
It changed the way I see myself. I know now that I can find home anywhere I go. I learned some lessons on being a better traveller, which I will be using in my life. I have goals now to see all the countries in the world, and to get a job in conservation of nature.
— Emma Dryden, Spring 2019
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I now am getting a sustainabilty certificate, and i have made some personal life changes and alterations; this trip opened my eyes to so much truth that i had turned a blind eye to.
— Brittany Andrieni, Spring 2020
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I am a biological engineering major, but I never had a clear picture of what I wanted to do after I graduate. This trip has inspired me to search for environmentally focused companies so that I can have a positive impact on the world through my work.
— Brittany Osborne, Spring 2020
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I will draw on my experience for the rest of my life. I have traveled a lot before and I doubted the impact this trip would have on me and I cannot even put into words how much this trip has impacted me.
— Kayla Stanley, Spring 2020