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UGA - Franklin - UGA in Rome : Testimonials (Athens)

The following program testimonial responses have been selected for publication by UGA StudyAway
Final Reflection Questions
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
The most significant take-away from the experience for me was the sense of accomplishment. I had been studying the Classics for five years, and this program allowed me to see in person everything I had been studying and to feel a sense of pride in my hard work. For that, I am so grateful for this opportunity.
— Anna Davis, Summer 2016
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
I finally realized a dream I've had since middle school to visit Rome. I cannot single out a single experience because the entire program itself was phenomenal. It only furthered my love and appreciation of the Classical world.
— Michael Sloman, Summer 2016
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
On our last day in Rome, I went out with a few friends to visit the famous Victor Emmanuel monument. We were able to take an elevator to the top of the monument which gave us an incredible view of the entire city. To our surprise, we were able to identify almost every large monument that we saw and it really put into perspective how the city was laid out and brought all of these broad concepts together.
By learning about Rome in Rome itself, rather than in a classroom, I was able to retain the knowledge much better and connect each monument with a personal anecdote that helped me to remember it. I am certain that this would not have been possible in a traditional classroom environment.
— Sahiba Amir Ali, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
From this experience, education wise, I feel that now I have a better understanding of Roman history from its fruition to now. Being in Italy, I have gained more confidence in traveling and adventuring to other cities in a foreign country. Also, it was amazing exploring, climbing and experiencing archaeological sites. Lastly, I am grateful for the two new best friends I made on this trip. It's one thing to explore new cities, look into tombs and climb Mount. Vesuvius, but it was much more fun and memorable with my friends.
— Georgianne Cushmore, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Experiencing another culture is a huge take-away from the trip. I can now see and relate to others that come into the US for the first time and are shocked by differences. Also actually being able to see the monuments I have been reading and learning about for so long was amazing. It really helps you to grasp the concepts that are explained when you see the objects in person.
— Haley Higingbotham, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
I think the most significant takeaways were beyond the classroom. In particular I learned a lot about living with new people, traveling on my own "cinqua terra/ florence", traveling without gps, and a little bit about classics. I also can say I gained an appreciation of art.
— John Newton, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
An increased knowledge of foreign history, culture, and life.
— Felix Poley, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
It was a wonderful experience to learn abroad. It taught me a lot of independence.
— Alexandra Rusyniak, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
The bonding experience with the other students while learning in a foreign country. The amount of cites we visited on a daily basis was jam packed, efficient, and fun.
— Miguel Santana, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
I really enjoyed learning on site rather than in a classroom setting because it really brought the history to life
— Samuel Scarborough, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
-How interconnected ancient Rome, papal Rome, and fascist Rome are.
-The difficulty of Rome having such a rich history, and it still being a living city.
-How amazing every little town in Italy is. There were so many small places that I had never heard of, which were so amazing.
— James Wojtal, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Going on this program helped me to become a much more independent person. When I came back from Rome I realized I was much more comfortable doing things by myself, and I did'n't need to rely on my parents so much. I learned so much about Art, I went in not knowing what constituted Renaissance and came out knowing so much more than just that.
— Caitlin Yarde, Summer 2017
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
When I signed up at the last minute in January to spend six weeks in Rome over the summer, I had no idea what I was doing. I was a social work major at the end of my junior year. I wanted to take pictures in an entirely new environment, study Italian culture, and eat pizza (I did get to take lots of pictures and consume an ungodly amount of carbs while also studying this culture and the history of Ancient Rome). I didn't know Italian (and I still don't). I didn't know that a destination about a 9-hour plane ride away would change my outlook on life (and it definitely did). In six weeks, which inspired two extra weeks of travel post-program, I received an exposure to an entirely different culture, a drastically changed view of human behavior and societal influence, and a previously undiscovered independence.
— Ellen Dunavan, Summer 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Three major things: 1. A significant amount of knowledge of the history of Rome as well as the post roman city, 2. A much greater personal understanding of different cultures and peoples, not just from Italy, but also the people I became close with while on the trip, and 3. A huge amount of personal introspective change thanks to a few special people who also came on the trip.
— Christian Graham, Summer 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Traveling just makes you want to do it even more. After experiencing an amazing city that both is and isn't like anywhere in the United States, this trip enriched both my perspective of the world and its cultures, especially that of the ancient Romans.
— Neil Justice, Summer 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
This experience showed me what its like to actually have the opportunity to live in a foreign city. It was amazing having the time to actually get to know my surroundings.
— Margaret Laney, Summer 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Rome was a lot cooler 1900 years ago.
— Aaron Marr, Summer 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
10,000 stories lie just underneath the surface. From the UGA Classics study abroad in Rome program, I learned that cities and people are never as they seem on the surface. We learned about the layers of history found in Rome. In addition, we learned from each other as we discussed the classical material and common human questions.
— Mckenzie Peterson, Summer 2018
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
1. I am a visual learner, so I'm pretty sure that everything I learned visiting and listening to lectures at the sites its going to remain with me forever.
2. It tested my endurance but I'm very proud to say that, I was able to keep up with the group despite the age difference. I turned 58 the first week I started the program.
— Pia Desangles, Summer 2019
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
Learning a lot about oneself and the importance of taking chances and trying new new things. To step out of your comfort zone and succeed. A new learning environment can be stressful but by going to these places and seeing certain works you can have a better understand and appreciation for them.
— Courtney Jones, Summer 2019
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
My most important take-aways were from Rome itself. I have always learned Rome from textbooks and powerpoints, and living in the city made me understand the ancient Romans not as just people from class, but at people who truely lived and breathed thousands of years ago.
— Andy Li, Summer 2019
What were the most significant take-aways from your experience?
Program Testimonials
My take-away is that I should have studied abroad earlier. It's such an interesting way to learn and helps information "stick" when the content you learn about is standing right in front of you.
— Daniel Park, Summer 2019
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
If you are considering this program, I would advise you to think about what you want your college experience to be like. Could you imagine doing anything else more enriching or fulfilling or fun during that summer? If the answer is no, then you should do the program. Keep in mind that you should make your time at college count in a way that feels right to you.
— Anna Davis, Summer 2016
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Please take the pre-reqs and fully consider that you are taking nine hours of CLAS courses. This is not just a vacation. For most, this study abroad is the foundation of their academic careers.
— Michael Sloman, Summer 2016
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
I would tell students considering this program to definitely go. It was an amazing experience and I learned a lot. Any prior knowledge of Rome is not necessary for this course and even if this isn't related to your major, I think anybody would definitely enjoy this program. I would also tell them to plan out their weekend trips in advance.
— Sahiba Amir Ali, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
-Don't be afraid of exploring Rome and other cities in Italy. Going with friends helps. Worst case, bring others in the group on adventures, you guys may become friends.
-In addition to trying to learn Italian, if you know another language, brush up on it. From my experience, I was able to use quite a bit of Spanish for directions and bargaining when I didn't know the words in Italian.
-If you're not a vegetable/fruit fan in the states, try them in Italy. They taste more fresh and rich in flavor.
— Georgianne Cushmore, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
This trip was amazing and really changed my perspective on things. Come into Italy with an open mind. It is quite different from the US but not it in huge ways. Once you adapt you get to experience a city packed with history and culture. You will not regret coming on this trip.
— Haley Higingbotham, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
This program is great for people who want to be active exploring while learning. I think the greatest appeal at least for me was and is the fact that we didn't learn inside a classroom, but instead got to go to sights on hand. Building our cognitive map and beyond class assignments were some of my greatest experiences.
— John Newton, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Take this program, as it is extremely fun and interesting.
— Felix Poley, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Try do do something new every day.
— Alexandra Rusyniak, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Pace yourself throughout the program. Many people towards the end had trouble with their stamina and remaining energized to finish out the last two weeks, drink plenty of water, and take notes as meticulously as possible for the final exams.
— Miguel Santana, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
I would tell them to come on the program because they will learn a lot and have some amazing experiences
— Samuel Scarborough, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Go into it with an open mind, and try to learn as much as possible about Italian culture and language.
— James Wojtal, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
If you are even considering this program, please go. This study abroad was a unique and life changing experience. Try new things, you will never get an opportunity exactly like this again. It's okay if you don't know anyone going, I didn't and came out with amazing friends.
— Caitlin Yarde, Summer 2017
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
If you're considering studying abroad, stop.
   Sign up. You're not too old. You don't have to know the language - you'll learn. We're all people; we are born with certain universal communication skills. You have the freedom to do exactly this, exactly now. There truly is no better time in your life than now - without a permanent career, raising a family, or owning a home - to go see the world. The professors who lead these programs volunteer to take students abroad because they have found something themselves in studying abroad; they want to share the freedom, the joy, the food, and the passion of places around the world with students. Apply for the scholarships and let go of that fear of leaving the Southern comfort zone – get on a plane and literally get lost.
— Ellen Dunavan, Summer 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
Talk with everyone on the trip, your biggest regret at the end will be not talking more with the people you didn't talk to! Also bring a water bottle, bring a backup water bottle, and drink plenty of water and come to terms with being sweaty.
— Christian Graham, Summer 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
My advice would be to really get to know the locations and monuments you encounter inside and out to the best of your ability. Being able to look at something as a Roman would years ago - what buildings used to stand, which emperor erected them, why they were built - is a very rewarding experience.
— Neil Justice, Summer 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
I would highly recommend this program to all students, even if they haven't really had any prior interest in the classics. Having the opportunity to study in Rome was one of my greatest experiences. This program is incredibly well run and the teachers are all amazing!
— Margaret Laney, Summer 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
It is well worth it. The staff were wonderful, engaging, and energetic.
— Aaron Marr, Summer 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
This investment will be one of the best decisions of your life. You will never forget the moments and memories made on this trip. You will leave this city a changed person.
— Mckenzie Peterson, Summer 2018
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
This program requires a lot of walking and taking lectures under the hot sun. It is more physical demanding that what I excepted but it was worth it! Lots of water, sun protector lotions, and light clothes make the difference.
— Pia Desangles, Summer 2019
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
DO IT. This is an outstanding experience that will change you. It is enlightening and educational. It is a lot of walking and physical movement but it I worth it.
— Courtney Jones, Summer 2019
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
This is a wonderful program if you are persuing a study in the classics. In order to truely understand a civilivation, one has to live it, and Rome is one of he best places to understand the Classical world.
— Andy Li, Summer 2019
What are your words of advice to students considering this program?
Program Testimonials
I am a non-major, and I was scared that I wouldn't understand any references because I didn't have any knowledge about the classics. However, the professor taught in an inclusive way and thoroughly explained concepts in an inclusive manner. Don't be scared to try something new.
— Daniel Park, Summer 2019
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I study Latin and Linguistics at UGA, and this experience has granted not only me a sense of accomplishment in my study of the classics, but it has also given me the assurance that studying it is more than worthwhile and rewarding. I already knew that it is a great field of study, but this program encourages me to stay passionate about what I love learning, regardless of the field.
— Anna Davis, Summer 2016
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
My career and educational goals have stayed constant, mostly because I was already set in this major. I always knew that I wanted to be part of this program and that it was one of my goals for my collegiate career. Personally, it just furthers my love of travel and the possibility of an international career.
— Michael Sloman, Summer 2016
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
Although my intended major is Management Information Systems, after this trip I have decided to pursue a minor in Classics as well. I am also considering adding on a co-major in International Business. I was unsure about this before because I do not enjoy learning languages and did not want to take the three foreign language courses required to co-major in International Business. After taking one semester of Italian in preparation for this trip and also experiencing the language and it's beauty first hand, I know that if I do co-major, I would choose Italian as my language. I would also like to visit Rome again in the future.
— Sahiba Amir Ali, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
For education, this program helped me in gaining credits to be a double major while staying on track to graduate on time. In relation to career goals, this trip opened me up to more topics to research on, be more open to traveling for work, and allowed me to see a wide spectrum of art I wish to further look into. In total, this trip has pushed my personal goals the most. This journey has pushed me to explore new places despite the language barrier, travel and learn in another continent, as well as live and learn with a group of people I barely knew for over a month. My adventure to Italy has helped me break out of my comfort zone and raised the bar in places I should learn and visit.
— Georgianne Cushmore, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
As a Classics major, this trip really helped my educational goals. It offers 9 hours of major classes that I would need in order to graduate. UGA Classics in Rome also helped me develop skills that make me more appealing on resumes. Italy is also a place I have always dreamed of visiting. UGA Classics in Rome helped me realize that goal.
— Haley Higingbotham, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
Whether it was communication skills, classics knowledge, sense of direction, or just a more diverse view of the world; this trip made me a better person. Furthermore an appreciation for the place that I grew up and live
— John Newton, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
Helped me decide on a major.
— Felix Poley, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
For my education, I have decided to pursue Latin in the fall.
— Alexandra Rusyniak, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
My experience further cemented my desire to study Classics in graduate school. The program was staffed with wonderful professors who passed on their knowledge and passion about the city of Rome and Italy as a whole.
— Miguel Santana, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
It convinced me to get the minor in classical culture
— Samuel Scarborough, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
This made me more open to living abroad in the future. I also want to learn more Italian, and return to Italy.
— James Wojtal, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
The experience helped me become more in touch with the Catholic faith. Being able to go to the Vatican multiple times and to see other amazing churches from different time periods in the Catholic church was mesmerizing.
— Caitlin Yarde, Summer 2017
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I definitely am leaving the trip feeling a desire to work internationally more somehow, but the most significant change I experienced was a massive change in how I view myself, in a way that will be difficult but ultimately better for myself going forward, I wouldn't trade the experience of this study abroad trip for anything!
— Christian Graham, Summer 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
This experience made me want to learn even more about the Romans (hence my adding of a Classics major). Even less specifically, it gave me an appreciation for art history that I can carry over to any place I wish to explore!
— Neil Justice, Summer 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I have now chosen to pursue a classics minor. As a business major this experience has opened my eyes to all the different career options there are available to me.
— Margaret Laney, Summer 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I intend to now minor in Classics and it has encouraged me to study antiquity more as well.
— Aaron Marr, Summer 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
Since childhood, I have always imagined travelling to Rome. I choose this program because the experience offered a comprehensive study of one city, rather than a quick overview of many cities. As a Christian, I was naturally drawn to the eternal city. There are many churches and spiritual sites to see in Rome. Discussing religion and philosophy with the other students on the program was also a rewarding experience. As a history major and an intern at the Georgia Museum of Art, I thought that I wanted to work in a museum in the future. The program included many visits to wonderful museums. However, while in Rome, I rediscovered my passion for good design and printed publications. Both the inspiring architecture of Roman design and the astetic value of books in books stores around Rome reminded me of my childhood dream to illustrate books. While I am not yet sure where this dream will take me, this study abroad experience gave me the confidence to pursue my passion without fear.
— Mckenzie Peterson, Summer 2018
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
Besides looking very good in my resume, learning about art and architecture right in front of the work is something priceless and it could be very useful in my intended future career in the museum world.
— Pia Desangles, Summer 2019
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
The experience made me a little more confident and it changed me as a person. The things I have learned will help me in higher education and have encouraged my continual study of classics and ancient art and history.
— Courtney Jones, Summer 2019
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
I have always been unsure if I would like living in a city, and living in Rome made me love the city and realize the convenience and beauty of living in cities.
— Andy Li, Summer 2019
How did the experience impact you and your future educational/career/personal goals?
Program Testimonials
For my personal goal, I finally experienced what it is like in the archaeological field because that has been a childhood "dream" job I always wanted to explore, but never had the chance to. The experience helped me gain a better understanding about the importance of classics, where previously, I did not pay much attention to these studies.
— Daniel Park, Summer 2019